A young Lanner falcon was seen today flying in Neot Smadar (southern Israel)
Yellow browed warbler both in Jerusalem and in Mt Carmel area
Finally they arrived- a small flock of Sociable Lapwings in the Negev fields. Hope they will stay there during winter.
A red Crested Pochard was seen a coupl of days ago in Gesher ponds (Beit Shean Valley).
Winter is the time for different Duck species, in which the red crested Pochard is one of the more unique among the Ducks. Hume's Leaf warbler in Jerusalem.....a nice finding.
An amazing Verreux's Eagle wasseen in a Wadi near Eilat for the past couple of weeks
As i dont write here too often, i have decided to welcome spring migrationwith wonderfull pics that were taken in the field not too long ago. I am having a great spring observations with many birds.
Go Birding..... It has been a while since i last posted....need todo it more often.
In any case, winter is evident and this is the time to bird in northern israel, especially the Hula valley area and Beit shean valley. Have been birding in those sites quite a lot recently. Many birds are out there , woth mentioning the rare ones: Demoiselle crane and Barnacle Goose which were spoted in the hula area. A rare visitor, wallcreeper, was seen in southern israel in Ein ovdat vadi- what a great bird to see..... Go out birding, but dont forget to wear warm clothes. |